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Artist To Artist | Kate Doyle

Michael John Halse

Driven and incredibly passionate about what she does, Kate Doyle’s Facebook and Instagram pages are constantly being updated with new shoots that depict her unique style. With a range from traditional black and white, to vintage, and fashion, Kate always seems to have a new project on the go, and a new idea brewing in her head. Skimming through her photos, you get the impression that, above everything else, Kate’s looking to have fun with her photography. She shoots what she loves and her positive energy is reflected in the models she works with. With a developing range of style and themes, Kate’s definitely on the rise as an up-and-coming photographer of Durham Region.

Who are you and what sort of art do you create?

My name is Kate Doyle, and I do all sorts of photography. I'd like to say I specialize in portraits and fashion, but I also shoot quite a bit of vintage / pin up.

How and when did you first get into photography?

When I was about 10, my dad gave me his old Konica Minolta, and I fiddled around with that, eventually discovering that I had an eye for it. Those days I didn't have Photoshop, so what came out of the camera was my final result. 11 years later, I still try not to rely to much on Photoshop.

What normally inspires your work? Where do you get your ideas for creating the images that you do?

If I'm doing portraiture, I really like helping people see how other people see them. I have one particular person I shoot with quite often who is struggling with body image. We shoot a lot of lingerie and boudoir to help her feel more gorgeous and realize that she is as beautiful as we all see her as.

I get a lot of inspiration from random things I find while thrifting, and as weird as it sounds, I spend a lot of time in the shower brainstorming ideas. I also go to car shows every summer with my dad, and a lot of the older cars give me a lot of inspiration between lines, colour, and memories the owners share with me.

What sort of gear do you use?

Right now I'm working with a Canon 7D predominantly, but I also work with a Canon AE1 Program, Polaroid Supercolor 600, Fujifilm instax mini 8, and a newer Polaroid that I can't remember the name of, haha! I also use a MacBook Pro full of Adobe software for editing and sorting.

What kind of tools do you use for post-production?

I shoot exclusively camera raw if I'm using digital, so once first selections are done and I sort of wean out the photos I'd like to edit, I open them up in camera raw, fix any exposure issues, contrast, etc, open it up in Photoshop CC and do extra editing like skin softening, cloning, and if it suits the project, turn it in to a lovely black and white.

What is your favourite image that you have taken and why?

I'm finding it rather hard to choose, because of the fact that I shoot so many genres with so many different vibes. I'd have to say that one of my top 10 is a black and white low key portrait I did of my friend Braeden in college. He's a bodybuilder, and also a super guy, and both are rather evident in the photo.

What artist or work do you admire and inspire you?

I actually worked with photographer Courtney Reader a while ago in my second year of college, and her work always astounds me. She has such a talent for lighting and colour, not to mention she's a hoot to work with. I also really like to keep up with my friends from college, because a lot of them have absolutely fantastic images and videos, and I'm always trying to be on their level of talent.

Are you currently working on any projects?

I'm going to be leaving for Huntsville, Ontario for two months this weekend, so unfortunately I haven't got anything in the works right now. However my last project was collaboration with a Trainer from a gym I usually work with in Scarborough, and my friend, Joel's apparel company. Imagine That is all about bringing awareness to mental health, and hopefully giving hope to those who have none. I personally struggle with mental health, and Joel has helped me with it from a very young age, so this project means a lot to me. Plus, seeing a bodybuilder in freezing cold water was rather amusing.

Do you have any advice for aspiring photographers?

Do not under any circumstances give up. You will hear a lot of no, and you'll hear the word “unpaid” a lot, but I promise you if you push through it, it will be worth it. Also invest in lenses. Camera bodies are forever changing, lenses will almost always work.

What’s your favourite movie and why?

Breakfast at Tiffany's. My grandfather and I watched it for the first time together, and wound up singing Moon River every time it played in the film, and I will eventually be getting a tattoo with some lyrics from that song. My grandfather is very special to me, and I don't ever want to forget that night. I'm also a big Marvel fan, but who isn't?


Connect with Kate: Facebook



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